Wednesday, 17 June 2015

How I feel about the show/research

I feel like that doing this show has really opened my eyes about the problems that are happening today.
Because where the show is ultimately based on the well-known dictator; Adolf Hitler, we had to do a lot of research on him.
Doing the research on Hitler linked back to Prime ministers today, such as;
Vladimir Putin, Russia's primeminister, Kin Jong Un Yelling prime minister in North Korea and tghe list goes on.

Doing the research has made me more aware that there are still many traggic problems that are just as bad as what Hitler did going on today. I feel like we all, as a nation like to bury our heads in the ground and pretend that it's not happening all around us as we speak.

I've loved doing the show, because it's made me more aware of the political world today, and really helped have an understanding of what those who are suffering feel.
Also, it's been so much fun and such a crack to finish this year with.
I can't wait to perform it, and hopefully, make the audience realise that terrible things like what happens in the show still happens today.

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